I'm very happy to announce that late last month I finished all the line art for Painted Death! In March I also managed to do the colours on the one remaining double page spread, which means that over the next couple of weeks I'll be jumping back in and knocking out the remainder of those last pages still left over from February. Here's that double page spread I just completed (minus the inset panels).

Last night, I also went through and implemented my editor's final dialogue and narration fixes, which means, pending one last meeting, I'll be sending the book to be lettered very soon!
Once all that work is done, I'll enter the final edit and pre-press phase, which I'm hoping won't take longer than a month (it's a big book in two different formats). I'd love to go to print mid-May, and will be working as hard as I can to make that happen.

Amazingly, the campaign passed a HUGE milestone this week, bringing the total to a whopping $70,073 from 862 Backers!